Isabell Melvin
2 min readJan 22, 2021
Photo from Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

In Malaysia it’s Full Lockdown Round 2, are we ready? No, but we’re definitely better prepared than last time. Perhaps it’s the optimist in me that kept thinking this will all be over soon even though the numbers and facts kept telling me otherwise.

With the second lockdown, everyone already has Zoom downloaded onto their laptops. We’re more familiar with interactive whiteboards, sharing screen and masters of the mute and video off shortcuts on our keyboards.

We’re drinking water, keeping healthy (It feels like I see more people outdoors jogging now than I did before), and taking mini breaks from our screen. Basic tips we’ve been seeing plastered all over social media, replaying on the radio and across webinar number 103 that we’ve sat for since the pandemic, well, became a pandemic!

Like me, I wonder how many others live in continuously dangerous optimism that things will end soon and go back to the way it was. The truth is we hear everyone saying the term “new normal”, but how many of us know how to really embrace it? The “new normal” is huge change, and change is usually unwelcome by most. Just because I use Zoom now, does not mean I have embraced the new normal. It just means I’ve allowed it to drag me along with the tide.

People & Change

There are many bodies in the water being tugged along by the current of change, with so few who have hopped onto their surfboards to ride the waves and stay on top. To be fair, it is hard to grab onto a surfboard.

So the next time you think about your company starting up a “change exercise,” realize that change doesn’t wait for you to make an announcement in order for it to exist. It’s probably going on right now and you’ve got to make a choice to let it pull you or to grab a surfboard. How will you know if you’re on the surfboard? If it’s new, makes you feel uncomfortable and uncertain of what to do next, then you’re probably on the right track.

Looking to grab a surfboard for change? We’ve got a few. Let’s chat, you can email us for a Zoom call. Who knows you might discover an unseen current that has been tugging you and your team along.



Isabell Melvin

An innovation specialist, coach and facilitator — Isabell coaches individuals and teams to navigate complex projects and design solutions.